Friday, April 08, 2016

Real Life Conversations with KO: E-Mail In-box edition

The backstory: My sister and my nephew C flew in on a red eye flight on Wednesday night and early Thursday morning they piled in my car for a road trip to visit Gettysburg College.  I was the designated driver and my sister had my cell phone and was texting my son on my behalf when she noticed the number of unread e-mails on my phone.

KO:  You have over 17,000 e-mails on your phone.

Me:  I don’t read those.

KO: Yes, I think that’s clear.

I meant that I don’t read work e-mail on my phone but we all had a good laugh.  It’s nice to have my sarcastic sense-of-humor doppelgänger on my side of the country.

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